Chapter 6: Mastering the Quarterly Theme
A company’s goals and priorities won’t be successful in driving the organization if they are forgotten or ignored. Once you have established what is important for your workforce to accomplish in the next quarter or year, you have got to do something to help your associates make the emotional connection that generates commitment.
Chapter 7: Mastering Employee Feedback
Recurrent customer and employee hassles cost your employees 40 percent of their time, not to mention what its costing your company in lost customers and revenues. Furthermore: What makes people hate their jobs? The answer to that is also recurring problems and hassles We are talking about situations, problems and mistakes that happen over and over again, never getting fixed. To reduce your costs, shorten your cycle time, and generally improve your internal working environment, you need to systematically gather data on what’s hassling your employees – and then do something about it.
a) Gathering the Data: Be Encouraging, Be Responsive
To get started, ask your employees a three-part question: What should we start doing, what should we stop doing, what should we continue doing? Have them think about this questions from both their perspective and the perspective of customers.
b) Handling the Feedback
The trick to getting your de-hassling system humming is to be responsive. If employees feel their feedback is dropping into a black hole, change this situation. Initially, find some quick-hit solutions.
c) Reporting Progress
People will want to see change as its occurring. Let people know what issues are being addressed, and which ones have been resolved. If it’s something you cannot do anything about, say more than that – lots more.
d) De-Hassling Etiquette 101
To avoid having feedback degenerate into name-calling, focus on the what, not the who. Most hassles are process hassles, not people hassles. Discuss the hassles in groups not on an individual basis. This way the feedback will be straight forward.
e) Management-Development Opportunities
Think of it as a management-development opportunity, an investment in your eventual succession plan, as your supervisors and mid-managers have the opportunity to creatively address issues and improve performance and customer satisfaction.
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